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Join us in celebrating Youth Apprenticeship Week, May 5-11, 2024!

Ignite Skills

Ignite Skills Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit, by the youth, for the youth with a mission of promoting awareness about youth apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship. Our team is super excited to participate in and support the 1st annual US Youth Apprenticeship Week (YAW2024), May 5 -11, 2024. 


Youth Apprenticeship Week (YAW2024) is a nationwide celebration that highlights the benefits and value of Registered Apprenticeship program opportunities for youth, ages 16-24. Employers,

educators, and workforce professionals across the country are launching Registered Apprenticeship programs to build a sustainable pipeline of skilled and diverse talent that allow youth

to earn competitive wages, while obtaining the relevant training and experience to start their careers. YAW is an opportunity for these stakeholders to show how Registered Apprenticeship can create a steady stream of skilled workers for their businesses.


Ignite Skills Foundation is proud that our campaign helped secure WA State Governor Jay Inslee’s support for YAW! Based on our pro-active outreach, Governor Inslee has recognized the importance of YAW 2024 and has issued a WA state proclamation declaring May 5-11 as Youth Apprenticeship Week in WA state to amplify the national YAW 2024 campaign.


This opportunity to participate, promote, and expand Youth  Apprenticeship is very meaningful to Ignite Skills as a youth focused non-profit., is an inclusive online youth platform with the objective to promote awareness on youth apprenticeship programs. We are supporting and promoting YAW by virtually showcasing a curated list of youth apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships comprising of 20+ programs, across 10 industries. We are promoting YAW through blogs, social media (#igniteskills) and school outreach.

We hope you will join us and support us on this exciting journey! 

Ignite Skills Team  

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